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Friday, October 31, 2014

Eyeing the World

The world around us is often a source of vivid color, demonstrating that it is superior in beauty. The bright,vast sky, the sparkling blue oceans, and the luscious green of nature are things we may treasure. Yet, what if these were not as detailed and bright? What if they weren't as clear as they should be? Our eyes allow us to see the beauty around us with the utmost clarity. Unfortunately, for a growing number of people, this does not always hold true. Eyesight is not an eternal human trait and for many, it can deteriorate rather soon. When eyesight gets worse, the beauty that we once see may become a blur of color. The details a person may have seen before may lose most, if not all of its value. 

Thankfully, there are many modern day eye correction solutions that may fix this blur. Glasses are one of the quickest and most efficient solutions. Although this is a solution, it is never the same as having 20/20 vision. Depending on a set of lenses to see things clearly does not fully allow for a firm grasp of the full beauty in our surroundings. The worse the eyesight, the stronger the prescription needed to fill the void that bad eyesight can leave in one's life.

I see an increasing number of people depend on glasses, contacts, or laser correction to view things clearly. In many ways, this is attributed to the growing, often unhealthy, usage of technology nowadays. People have begun to spend more time in front of their computer screens than interacting with others. This is a great problem that the new generations now face. Yet, whether for entertainment or work related, technology can drain us of our eyesight.

Some people are lucky to be gifted with naturally good eyesight. No matter how long they are staring at a screen or straining their eyes, they will see just as clearly the next day. However, this does not last forever. You only get one pair of eyes in your life and you need them to last as long as they can. As a person with atrocious eyesight myself, I treasure what I am able to see with my eyes. I began to wear glasses in the third grade and it was something that I never wanted. Although I needed it, I always felt that having glasses constantly got in the way. Yet, as bad as that was, I felt even worse when even with glasses on, I could not see well. This meant my eyes had gotten worse. This cycle of getting new glasses and eventually it becoming too weak for my eyes reoccurred for the next few years. It is still a problem now. 

With such bad eyesight myself, I feel that maintaining one's eyesight is that much more important. People that do require glasses must especially be wary of their eye health and rest their eyes when tired. This goes for everybody. You should limit unnecessary strain on your eyes and protect it while you can. The clarity of the world around us only lasts for so long before it is gone forever.


  1. I really enjoyed your blog entry. I thought it was well constructed and written. However, I would have liked it if you included statistics like how many people (on average) use glasses, or if technology has a direct correlation with eyesight loss. Overall, your blog was creative, and I look forward to reading future blogs.

  2. As a person who depends on glasses for clear eyesight, your post made me pause and appreciate my ability to still see the beauty of the world with the help of corrective eyewear. I've been wearing glasses for three years now, and I've definitely noticed my eyes getting weaker(I've only changed my glasses once and that was after two years of usage). It makes me wonder how long will my eyes be able to last me. That being said, I'll definitely be keeping the suggestions you gave on maintaining eyesight in mind from now on. Lol maybe you'll be an optometrist or ophthalmologist someday?

  3. I really enjoyed your blog. It had evidence, personal experiences, as well as appealed to the audiences emotion, because no one wants to lose their vision. I do not need glasses myself, but I know that I may need them in the near future if I use technology and play games as much as I do now. Your blog really opened my eyes and allowed me to see this whole problem with deteriorating vision more clearly. I am looking forward to your future posts.
