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Sunday, March 1, 2015


Schedule changes are always lurking around the corner if you decide to perhaps do a sport in the middle of the year. Sports are usually 6th period so unless one has already been playing a sport since the beginning of the year, schedules are bound to change. Schedule changes are not too bad. If you get the same teacher and only the periods change then you'll be okay. Granted, it will be a new group of people you would have to learn with but it wouldn't be too major. Yet, when your teachers change around in the middle of the year, problems are sure to arise.

The question is, should schedule changes also change a student's current teachers? Unless it is absolutely necessary, I think that a student should not be switched out of their current class and into one with a different teacher. Even if the course is the same, each class is not the same. Different teachers have different methods for teaching the same information and it always takes time for students to adjust. Often times, teachers teaching the same course will go at different paces than each other and if a students happens to switch, they could possibly be stuck making up a tremendous amount of work.

I think that change will always be a difficult thing to accept. Everyone goes through it, just in different ways and at different times of their live. Why is change so hard? I think it's because humans are just used to being comfortable. We like to feel like everything around us is under control. When it isn't, things become difficult. Although everyone goes through change, how we deal with it will determine if the change is positive or negative.